How To Actually *STOP* Eating When You’re Full


I was just chatting with one of my clients and she was telling me how incredible it is now that she doesn’t binge eat anymore (BIG WIN!)… But now there is something else going on.

She still cannot stop eating even when she knows she is physically completely satiated.

Sounds familiar?

I certainly experienced that A LOT.

If something tasted really amazing, I just didn’t want to stop eating.

But even if we overeat for only a couple of bites, we are still harming our bodies because they’ll have to deal with those extra bites and also… do you know the saying:

For a moment on the lips, forever on the hips…?

Well, let me just say… we don’t want that, do we. 🙂


So the next time it happens that you’ll know you’re full but you’ll continue eating.
And maybe you’ll even want to say yes to the dessert…

Here are my tips to help you with that.


1. DON’T JUDGE – Stay curious.

You are so brave that you actually decided to go on this journey to freedom with listening to your body. I know it’s hard and judgment may still come up.

Instead of judging your urges, be curious.
If your body is giving you fullness signals, what is the reason you still want to eat?

I always recommend my clients that they just take a little pause and do my 5-minute ritual technique that will allow you to uncover the real reason for the need to overeat.

You’ll find the 5-minute ritual technique along with some other cool stuff here:

Print the 5-minute ritual and have it with you at all times.



One type of emotional eating is what I call “Lack of Vitamin P” – P stands for pleasure, of course.

Imagine having a huge pleasure tank that gets filled up with sparkly golden light every time you experience a true pleasure.

If your pleasure tank is almost empty, you will *always* want to overeat but this will not fill it up as this is not true pleasure but false or momentary pleasure.

So here is one trick that you can do.

Schedule something REALLY pleasurable right after eating.

Here is the trick: It has to be *equally* as pleasurable as eating.

Now, it doesn’t have to be something very time-consuming.
You can read a few pages of that really funny book, or dance to a song you love, go for a quick walk, call a friend…

Whatever feels equally as pleasurable as eating.

And make sure to schedule it in advance.

That’s how you’ll always have something to look forward to after eating and food just won’t feel as exciting because you’ll be like:
“I can’t wait to finish eating so I can do ________!!!”

Does that make sense?


Which one of the tips will you be testing out?
Let me know in the comments. :*
