Can’t stop thinking about food? Here are 7 solutions.


My friend,

if you sometimes feel like you’re obsessed with food and are thinking about food ALL.THE.TIME, this message is for you.

Thinking about food all the time is connected to many different factors, so today I wish to shine a light on this.

Ask yourself the following questions:

1. Are you eating enough food?

Our bodies have built-in survival mechanisms, and if you are restricting your food, your body might feel that starvation is coming. This is your animal brain, which is responsible for the most fundamental tasks, like keeping you alive. And it doesn’t know that you might simply be dieting. So how this works is that it creates impulses that drive you to eat so that it can stock up for the times when no food is available.

2. Are you going through a rough time and wish to numb yourself?

Emotional eating is incredibly common because it can be so helpful to numb our emotions. We have two types of energies in the body – they act as fuel and battery. We fill up the fuel by eating and this gives us physical energy to be able to move around. And we fill up our battery with sleeping and this energy takes care of all the internal processes, like healing, digestion, and processing the emotions. So you see, the battery is responsible for both digestion (which takes about 60% of this energy if we’re eating normal) AND feeling the feelings. At times when we are hurting too much, we simply overburden the digestion so that not a lot of energy is left for feeling the feelings. Makes sense, right?

3. Are you restricting certain food groups?

This is first connected to the first point – if you’re not eating enough calories, your body will drive you to eat the most calorie-dense foods you can find – because it wants a quick fix. And the other thing is if you’re restricting food groups, like carbs… and your body needs them. It will make you think about carbs all the time.

4. Are you denying yourself to eat the foods you really love and enjoy?

This is incredibly important. When you absolutely love certain foods but you deny them because you think they are “bad” for you, you will want it even more. We want what we can’t have. And if this food has an emotional connection to a positive memory in your brain, it’s going to be that much harder. The truth is: what you resist, persist. The more you restrict it, the more power it has over you. But when you start allowing all the foods, they suddenly lose their allure. This allows you to have all the trigger foods in the house and not be triggered by them anymore.

5. Are you surrounding yourself with people who are obsessed with food?

Look at your social media – who are you following? Who are you hanging out with? If you’re surrounded by people who are obsessing about food and their bodies, chances are high that this will influence you too. There has been tons of research done on that. Think about your circle and consider unfollowing accounts that don’t influence you in a good way. Also, be mindful of what kind of conversations you engage in real life.

6. Is food giving you a lot of pleasure and you connect with reward, comfort, and joy?

There is something I call the pleasure tank. Imagine it gets filled up whenever you’re experiencing true pleasure and joy. Most of the women I work with have near-empty pleasure tanks. So what they try to do is that they try to fill that pleasure tank up with food. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work, because the pleasure tank only gets filled up with TRUE pleasure, and while food can give us true pleasure up until the point of satiety, after that point it becomes a false pleasure. So the pleasure tank doesn’t fill up anymore.

7. Are you overly focused on weight loss?

If that is the case, you are probably doing #1, #3, #4, and #5 from the list above. People who are overly focused on weight loss and they wrap their whole life around this, will never have long-term results. The biggest paradox here is that once you STOP focusing so much on the weight loss, and you start focusing on food freedom, body love, pleasure, clearing the subconscious blocks that are causing self-sabotage, etc. THAT is when you lose weight effortlessly and you do it by enjoying in food more than ever before.

Did you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions?

If you did, something is off in your relationship with food and not how you were intended to live.

And if you’re ready to make a change, click here for a personalized breakthrough call where I’ll help you uncover the blocks that are causing the self-sabotage, and give you a step-by-step path to food freedom forever.

I promise I’ll believe in you even on the days you feel like you just don’t have it in you. Because I know what a rock bottom feels like.

You got this, my friend!
