19 signs you’re an emotional eater


I always say this: AWARENESS IS KEY. With everything.

For somebody who doesn’t have it easy with food, it’s important to learn how to differentiate between true and false hunger, and to notice when they are eating emotionally.

This has made the biggest difference for me. I made all these different printables for myself and pasted them inside the kitchen cabinets. Then, whenever I wasn’t sure if what I’m feeling is true hunger or just an emotional one, I went ahead and checked it.

The other important thing is to learn how to recognize the triggers for emotional eating.

So today, I wish to share with you 19 signs of emotional eating but before we get started, I need to say this:


I will share with you the 19 signs of emotional eating, but I don’t think it’s a problem if you only experience a few of them.

It’s normal to eat emotionally from time to time. We all do. Normal eaters included, yes! 🙂

If you can relate to 3 or more signs and you’re experiencing them on a very regular basis, then there is definitely room to improve.

The higher the number, the more it feels like an addiction to you.

This can feel horrible and you may think the problem is in your lack of willpower but I can assure you that this is not it. Willpower has nothing to do with it! You need to go deeper and remove the cause.

If you’d like to learn more about the types of emotional eating and how to cure each type, let me know in the comments, and I’ll create more posts related to that.


  1. You eat when you’re sad, lonely, depressed, feeling down, procrastinating
  2. You eat when you’re angry, upset, anxious, stressed
  3. You have the desire to eat even when you’re feeling happy, and excited – because food always makes things better.
  4. You get REALLY excited about eating.
  5. If you don’t have something good to eat, you get grumpy.
  6. You eat too much, too fast.
  7. You’re afraid of not getting your share.
  8. You’re willing to drive to the grocery store just to get that special thing you’re craving.
  9. You just finished your dinner one hour ago and now you want to eat the whole chocolate.
  10. Sometimes you eat in secret in hopes that no one will notice you.
  11. You classify food as good and bad.
  12. You always clean your plate, even though you’re physically full. You overeat, even if it’s just a couple bites.
  13. Whenever there is something to celebrate, food is on top of your mind.
  14. Food is always on top of your mind, really. You’re constantly thinking about food and planning what + when you’re going to eat next.
  15. Evenings are your weak spot. You’re always craving something to comfort yourself after a long day.
  16. You have feelings of shame, guilt or embarrassment after eating.
  17. You have a specific craving and won’t feel content until you have that.
  18. You keep eating and snacking and nothing seems to hit the spot. You can’t figure out what it is.
  19. Even though you ate a big meal, the hunger doesn’t go away. You feel deprived.

I could go on and on but let’s stop here as these are the most common signs that somebody is an emotional eater.

Know that it is okay if you recognize yourself in it. Really, it’s okay.

Like I said in the beginning, awareness is key. I know it can be very frustrating to be in the vicious cycle but know that there is a way out. And having the awareness is the first step.

You can become a normal eater again and free yourself from this food prison forever.

Start by downloading my emotional eating SOS Toolkit here >>

And sign up for the free webinar: How to become a normal eater FOR GOOD Here >>

With love,


Download the Emotional Eating SOS Toolkit

This is for the woman who is ready to stop fighting with food, learn how to unconditionally love herself, and create a life she absolutely loves.

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