Stop Overeating & Get More Pleasure Out of Food (Unusual Tip)


I have a challenge for you that will help you stop overeating and get more pleasure out of food than ever before.
(You know me, I’m all about that The Pleasure Diet. 🙂
This is something I challenged my students in the LFF (Loving the Food Freedom) Program with and it was a great hit. They loved it!


But first of all, a story from when I was really struggling with food.

My partner and I were having dinner. I was super busy that day (like most days of a workaholic) and didn’t take the time to really slow it down and savor it.

My thoughts were in my project and I was really excited to jump back at it. So you can be safe to say I was NOT present at all.

And besides, I was sitting cross-legged, ate clumsily and quickly, not really caring about how I looked or how I ate.

I most definitely overate.

But what’s even worse, I didn’t even register all the pleasure I could have gotten out of this food if I would slow down. I completely missed out on it!

And the most absurd thing: I was calling myself a food lover!!
(and I believed THIS was the reason for my weight struggle too)

Oh my, I was far from a food lover at that time.

A food lover is someone who makes love to their food.
That means being fully present, taking the time to enjoy and savor every moment, giving it their full attention.

But let me tell you, when I started shifting that around, and actually became a food lover, that is when so many of my food struggles simply disappeared (one of the side effect was that I stopped overeating)!

I started choosing foods that I really loved. (Because a great lover chooses who they love and is particular when it comes to that.)

And I also paid more attention to which foods my body loved as well (because that is where the magic happens).

I became more in tune with my body and started focusing on getting as much pleasure as I could out of each bite.

And this meant I suddenly required LESS food but without feeling deprived – quite the contrary. I enjoyed more than ever.

So my challenge for today is this:

Choose one meal today and eat it as if you’d be on your first date with somebody you’re in love with. (And think about the food you eat as it’s your lover too.)

  • Even dress the part!
  • Prepare the table as if it’s the truth.
  • Plate the food super nicely.

All of this will help you to be very mindful during the whole experience.

You’ll eat slowly and more sensually, which is really the key!

Try it out, and then (muy importante) let me know how it was. Comment below, or tag me on IG stories. (@tiasha.slana and #ThePleasureDiet)

With love,


P.S. If you’d like to finally stop struggling with food for good, here is a special invitation to the masterclass where I share SO MANY TIPS with you (I promise, your life will never be the same after watching it):

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