Stop Saying: “I’ll start again tomorrow.” and Do THIS Instead



These were my words day after day, night after night.

Right along with: “I DESERVE IT” as I ate and ate with no true hunger present.

Sometimes it was chocolate ice-cream in the evening that set me up on this path, other times bread in the afternoon. Always something delicious.

I felt horrible waking up in the morning, always making new promises to myself that I never kept.


Then, one day, I had a huge wake-up call.

If I’m going to be “good” again TOMORROW (in the future) and being “good” gets me to where I’d like to be (e.g. slim / healthy / free around food)…

… am I also willing to become slim just one day (in the future)?

Is that what I want? Is that a compromise I’m willing to take?

I had to get really honest with myself.

Of course, the answer was: ABSOLUTELY NOT.
I wanted it in the now.

In fact, one of the big reasons why I even felt the need to numb myself with food was because I was so desperate to have it now. I felt bad because I wasn’t there yet.

But it is crazy that I was even willing to prolong it by choosing food again to numb myself instead of dealing with my emotions, and by choosing false, momentary pleasure instead of the true, long-term pleasure.


So… what would happen if I just acted TODAY and every day as if I already was who/what I wanted to be/have NOW?

I knew that this is what will take me to where I wanted to be faster than anything else.

Instead of always putting it in the future, I started acting in the NOW.

I acted as if I’m already slim. I acted as if I’m already free around food.

That meant dealing with emotions instead of numbing them because the slim version of me does that.

And also, choosing long-term pleasure instead of false, momentary one. That meant doing the work NOW. Not tomorrow.

Did I still feel like I deserve that food?

Heck yes, because you know what? I realized I am ALWAYS deserving of everything.

The truth is that this wasn’t even the question here.

A question I should be asking is: “Am I feeling true hunger or not right now?”

Naturally slim people generally don’t eat when they are not hungry because they listen to their bodies.

They know with absolute certainty that they DESERVE food and this is not even something they think about because they simply know it.

So instead of asking: Do I deserve it, rather ask:
Am I feeling true hunger right now?

a.) If there is true hunger present, then ask yourself:
Does this food support me in how I wish to feel?

If yes, amazing, go ahead and proceed.
If no, then ask yourself what would?

b.) If there is no true hunger present, ask yourself what you are really hungry for, and find what would help.

THESE are the questions that will get you to where you wish to be.

To recap:

1.) Imagine you’re already there.

2.) Act as if you would already have that.

3.) Ask empowering questions.

Hope this was helpful.

If you wish more information on how to overcome emotional eating and become free around food, sign-up for my free masterclass (time-sensitive):

With so much love,

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