I feel a lot more free around food. I feel attuned to my body physically which feels amazing. I feel more attuned to my emotional needs (again amazing). I am slowly making my life a lot more pleasurable and positive-I was always so stressed and not able to be my true self.

I was obsessed with thoughts about food, meal times etc. I have reconnected with food in a pleasurable way. I am able to eat foods I never could- and guess what I’ve lost weight :). My shorts are falling down!!

Do it!! It’s well worth it, if you are dedicated and want to commit yourself to change (in the most pleasurable way possible) join in. It’s not a fad diet, it’s a meaningful change in your relationship with food (and by consequence your life). Life doesn’t have a struggle. You can have what you want, when you want, and remain slim 🙂



When I first heard about Tiasha and her work I thought that this could not work out. For me, this seemed too good to be true. But it somehow stayed in my mind for a while until I finally decided to join. I told myself that I had nothing to lose. It was one of the best decisions that I could ever have made.

I have been struggling with weight and emotional eating. I was heavier than the average and thought that I could do nothing about it really. I tried different kinds of diets, did lots of sport, but nothing really worked out in the end. I got frustrated about the whole situation and found it quite unfair.

Tiasha’s work has changed my life for the better. I am finally free around food, I’ve changed my mind about food in general and I never had a better relation to my body.

I gained so much confidence and never thought that weight loss can be so easy. Over the last 6 months, I lost 18 kg with pleasure and never had to restrict myself. I now wear clothes two sizes smaller.

But Tiasha’s work is beyond weight loss. For me, it is about living the best possible life. I learned so much in the past few months, including mindest, forgiveness, relationships, chasing dreams, rituals, listening to the signs of my body, and self-love.

My favorite parts are definitely the audios (reprogramming audios and visualizations) as well as the group coaching calls. It is such a high vibe community. It is really a safe space.

I am so grateful for all of this and grew so much as a person.

I would recommend Tiashas work to everyone who is struggling with their body and weight, but also with their life in general. I am sure that these programs offer something for anyone and help you live your best life.
You are allowed to dream big and you can achieve anything you set your mind to.



Tiasha’s work is a gift. ❤️
I discovered Tiasha at the end of 2017, feeling totally unaligned with my body, my mindset around food, weight loss and health. 😕 HER coaching and HER philosophy completely shifted the relationship with my body 💃🏽, food 🍉 and exercise🏋🏼 to something so beautiful. BUT what I did not know when I first discovered Tiasha: the weight loss aspect is only ONE of the MANY reasons why her philosophy is game-changing. 🤗 Her coaching is about so much more than looking your best – it’s about uncovering the REAL reasons why you are not where you want to be, and then making changes to get to your dream body and dream life. 💕✨🌴🎉
Looking back on where I was a year ago – physically and mentally – it’s crazy to me how much I have changed and how much better I know myself now. 💕 I am still not at the end destination, but I feel SO MUCH MORE confident, aligned, happy, excited, feminine and worthy. ✨

Although I haven’t weighed myself in a long time, I am confident I lost at least 8kg since starting to work with Tiasha.
I can finally fit into my old sizes again and also looking back on old videos and photos of myself 1 year ago I notice such a big difference.

I finally learned how to trust myself again. ❤️
To trust that I am worthy of living my best life. ❤️
That I am worthy of creating a reality in which I feel like a freedom goddess every single day. ❤️
From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much Tiasha. 💋



Reduced binging by 95 and more! Started looking at and talking about me and food in a more empowering manner. Started taking time to eat without distraction. Stopped shaming myself for turning to food when I was not physically hungry. Let go of many rules around eating already and stopped blaming me for eating at night when I was actually hungry. Listening to my body much more. Respect and love for my body has grown!

The best part about it was letting go of all the rules around eating, acknowledging my inner truth about when and what to eat and talking about me and eating differently. Finding more love for myself and listening to my needs so much more!

I would recommend it to anyone who turns to food as a way to numb their feelings, who is willing to spend time alone and focus on themselves. I believe, this program structure could help people of various addictive behaviors such as smoking, drinking, entertainment…

I listen to the various reprogrammings every morning in the bathroom! Love affirmations and it is so easy to integrate this in my mornings. I do the visualizations when I have time for them. Love the magical heart room, used it today, when I was feeling terrible!

I felt extremely supported throughout the program. I love knowing and seeing you are there to support us. I also like the safe space we had among us.

My self love and self care is growing a lot these days, I am becoming more and more conscious of so much. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Tiasha! I am a total fan! Your program came to me at the right time and is one of the big milestones in my personal development! So much love to you!

Karin from Germany


I highly recommend all of Tiasha’s supportive courses.

As a result of Tiasha’s help I’ve lost 10 lbs (approx 3-4 kgs), I workout more consistently (minimum 1-2 times a week), I no longer binge eat,  I no longer restrict what I eat, my body is more toned/solid (less bloating). 

Initially I didn’t believe that an online course/group would be a solution to help me lose weight/feel good about my body. My other biggest concern is that I WON’T utilise the service or the coaching, or that I WON’T finish the course which is a common theme for me when I am purchasing online services/packages  

I love the monthly challenges in the Freedom Goddess Club – they are easy to participate in, well structured and pack so much value! Through participating in the Freedom Goddess Club I feel like I have my own private personal development prompt each month. The benefits are experienced in ALL areas of my life – my sleep patterns, relationship with self, with others, my mindfulness etc. I love connecting with the other members and supporting each other. 
I think of the monthly challenges as my small dose of personal development – if I participate fully or not, they are there and prompt me to experience important reflections about ways of being. It is really important for my mental health to check in like that. That is also what keeps me healthy with my relationship with food and self. 
YES, I would definitely recommend it. I highly recommend all of Tiasha’s supportive courses. Through the FGC and introduction to Intuitive Eating I am free from diet culture shame, from experiencing body shame, from restrictive eating practices, binge eating, guilt and self-resentment. I am truly free from what felt like an imprisonment of food. 

I appreciate your loving, caring, and supportive nature. Very nurturing and like a good friend I’ve never met. I think the world, and especially the online space need more people like you!



I lost over 9kgs over the the 100 dayS

I lost over 9kgs over the the 100 days. I felt happy to say no to food I didn’t need. I felt happy to say yes to food that used to be off limits and felt “naughty”. (Of course, this was in complete moderation) The BEST thing was the pleasure diet. If I want something, I have it but I ensure my day is filled with pleasure. I would recommend the Freedom Goddess Club to anyone that has completed a year on a bariatric program, like myself, who’s food mindset had shifted already but still hadn’t conquered all their demons or blocks


I had tried everything else…

I had tried everything else. I had been to spas, I had been to retreats, I had seen a therapist. I had been to an intuitive eating coach. And I’d obviously been on a million diets and had been to Overeaters Anonymous. You name it, I did it.

And it took you, and just you being you, and you being so patient and loving and supportive, and creating a programme that’s so deep. I really feel like it dives into everything. All of it really just… it made such an impact. 

I discovered what I wanted to do in my career, which was something that I was really struggling with for months. And after we worked together, I’ve lost five kilos and that’s kind of amazing!

What would I say to someone considering the coaching? I would say do it, because it’ll change their life. It sounds like an exaggeration. It sounds like a huge statement, but based in my experience, it really is life-changing to work with you.

And I just wanted to say such a huge thank you for the time we had together. I know it’s not over, and I know you’re still there, and I love that.

I know we’ll still be in touch, and we’ll be there on the Facebook group and stuff, but I just wanted to say thank you so much, Tiasha, because really, the work we did together and the way you supported me was so incredible, and I’m so, so grateful, so thank you so much!



Before the coaching, I was yo-yo dieting because I had the mentality that I shouldn’t give control to my body. But I was just punishing myself with these diets. Now, I finally got rid of the demon inside of me that was ruling me for such a long time! My job is still very demanding and stressful but now I don’t turn to refrigerator to cope like I did before. I’ve lost 4 kg without even trying! And I’m so relaxed around food! No more cheat meals, no more hiding food, now I can eat without any shame or judgment. Trust me, Tiasha’s coaching is worth every dollar. Without her, I’d still be stuck in that vicious cycle of restriction, dieting and binging. I feel so incredibly free now. <3


“more transformation and insights then in 10 years!”

I am so impressed with what coaching makes you do. The feeling that somebody is holding a light for you in a dark tunnel, is such a powerful and transformational experience. I have had quite some coaching, but the fact that it is weekly makes such a difference!
It helped me to get very focused and you feel that changes happen in a fast pace.
For 10 years I have been trying to understand what my weight meant for me and how I could get healthy and happy about it.
And in 3 months I had more insights and transformation then I EVER did. And not only about my body, because our body isn’t just a body. I learned about my relationship, my female energy, my softness and compassion to my body. My body is now my best friend! I NEVER worry about what to eat anymore. I left a relationship that didn’t work for me (!) Having fun is now a daily activity. Can you believe it? And now I know, because it FEELS so different!
I can just say that Tiasha is soft but direct at the same time. She will tell you exactly what you need to hear to make your next step. That totally did the trick for me!

I feel more beautiful and more connected to myself as a woman!!!!

I lost weight but more importantly I lost my insecurity in wanting pleasure in food and other areas of life. I was able to address my obsessive eating thoughts and slowly rid of them in the most pleasant way possible.  I feel more beautiful and more connected to myself as a woman!!!!
The phone calls and sense of community were wonderful in making me realize that I am not alone in this journey and feelings.
This is for women who want to connect to themselves and who are sick of being at a plateau weight loss trend because of their emotional eating.



“Tiasha is knowledgeable and supportive”

Tiasha is knowledgeable and supportive. She is compassionate, forgiving and always upbeat. I felt known, appreciated and safe. I learned that I needed to love myself more and create my own pleasure in order to decrease my dependence on food providing entertainment or satisfaction. I am learning things about myself that I didn’t know affected my attitude and perception of food. I’m knowing myself better, realizing that self-love and personal pleasure are critical to healthy eating and body image, learning that I can adjust my perspective and affect real and lasting change. If you are open and willing to examine underlying issues that may affect your eating and body image, this is the program for you. You won’t be disappointed.


“I am absolutely AMAZED that I am feeling absolutely no pull toward sweets”

Just wanted to say that I am absolutely AMAZED that I am feeling absolutely no pull toward sweets today. I bought a delicious chocolate cake yesterday and it’s still in the refrigerator! I simply have NO desire for it.  And I have untouched potato chips as well. This is completely unheard of in my life!! I feel so incredibly grateful for you.


“I have almost given up and then I met Tiasha”

There are years of overeating and yo-yo dieting behind me. I have almost given up and then I met Tiasha. I was sceptical at first and Ihesitated with the investment. I remember saying to Tiasha: “If this will work, you’re a rockstar!” and now I can only confirm it!! I lost weight – I don’t know how much but it’s very noticable. Some clothes are too big for me, and some fit again. I am so much more confident, happier, and incredibly grateful. I can definitely say I’m finally free.



My life has changed so much since I started working with Tiasha. That was really an investment into myself, my own life. Before I never really accepted my body. I was so tired from constant overeating, restricting, and starving. My life revolved around exercise and food. Thanks to Tiasha, I now finally cured emotional eating, and learned how to fully accept my body, and love myself. I now enjoy life to the fullest realizing I am unique and just perfect the way I am.



(This is an interview one of my dear clients did with me).